Result comparison

The routine used to compare a result file to its respective benchmark is determined by its file type. This is specified in the output_files field of the test, e.g. "output_files": {"image.jpg": "default"}.

Currently, the following output file types are bundled with nrtest:

This is equivalent to the diff command-line utility
No comparison is performed (used when a difference should not indicate a test failure).

If there are other comparison routines that are widely applicable I would be very happy to bundle these with nrtest too.

For more specialized comparisons, it is also possible to add custom comparison routines via extensions.

Custom comparison routines

An example of how to add custom comparison routines can be found in the nrtest-topas repository. This is a good resource when writing your own extensions.

Comparison functions must be written in Python and must have the following signature:

def xxx_compare(path_test, path_ref, rtol, atol):

    if compatible:
        return True
        return False

where path_test and path_ref are the paths to the results files produced by the software under test and the reference version, respectively. The relative tolerance rtol and the absolute tolerance atol are set at the command-line (see Usage), and should follow these interpretations in order to remain consistent with other comparisons.

In order to register the custom comparison function with nrtest, we pass entry_points to setuptools in our file. The syntax is

entry_points = {
    '': [
        '<file type>=<module.path>:<function_name>'

where <file type> is the string that will be used in the configuration file to signify the use of this comparison function, <module.path> is the dotted module path where the comparison function is found, and <function_name> is xxx_compare in this case. More details can be found here.