
The package provides an nrtest script with two subcommands: execute and compare.


The minimal arguments required to execute a test are:

$ nrtest execute /path/to/software.json /path/to/test.json

The configuration files for the software under test and the test itself are documented elsewhere.

Results files and information about the test outcome are stored within a portable benchmark directory. By default, this is benchmarks/new but this can be specified:

$ nrtest execute /path/to/software.json /path/to/test.json -o benchmarks/v2.0

It is also possible to specify a directory containing multiple test configuration files instead of a single test:

$ nrtest execute /path/to/software.json /path/to/tests


The minimal arguments required to compare the newly created benchmark to a reference benchmark are:

$ nrtest compare benchmarks/new benchmarks/old

This will iterate through each of the tests contained in the benchmark and then compare each result file to its respective reference file. The type of comparison performed is determined by the output file type specified in the test configuration file (see Result comparison).

Comparisons of numerical result files might compare the difference to a tolerance in order to decide if the results are compatible. Relative and absolute tolerances can be specified:

$ nrtest compare benchmarks/new benchmarks/old --rtol=0.01 --atol=0.0

These are the default tolerances.

It is also possible to output the results of the comparison to a JSON file:

$ nrtest compare benchmarks/new benchmarks/old -o receipt.json

which can be helpful to post-process the comparison (e.g. display in dashboard, email notification).